Assistance in Human Resource Devlopment
Assistance in Argicultural Devlopment
Support For Sustainable Enviormental Development
Assistance in The Devlopment of Health Service
Assistance in Human Resource Devlopment
- Neglected, Miserable, Helpless
- Health and Education
- Technical Training
- Hijra/Veda
- Health and Education
- Technical Training
Assistance in Argicultural Devlopment
- Research on field applied agriculture
- Helping Local farmers to solve Problems
- To assist in production and marketing of fishery and agricultural products and export abroad by adding value
Support For Sustainable Enviormental Development
- Awareness program
- Tree plantation
- Conservation of Biodiversity
- Compotable environment Friendly polybag made
Assistance in The Devlopment of Health Service
- Shoshi Foundation Pangu Care and Rehabilitation Center (Integrated healthcare facility for autistic and disabled patients
- Shoshi Foundation Drug Rehabilitation and Reintegration Center (Integrated facility for returning individuals with substance addiction to normal life)
- Shoshi Foundation old home (Integrated care and facilites for neglated disabled, and helpless elderly individuals)
- Shoshi Foundation Meditation Center (A Holistic Treatment Approach for Those Under High Mental Stress)
Goals and Objectives of the Shoshi Foundation
Goals and Objectives:
(With the approval of the relevant authorities, the following goals and objectives will be implemented)
(1) Educational Programs:
The organization’s main goal is to educate students who have dropped out and take necessary actions to achieve this. It aims to expand education among poor communities by conducting educational activities. This includes establishing educational institutions, encouraging adults to participate in adult education programs, and running those programs. Additionally, the organization helps children through tutorial centers and makes education more accessible to poor students through scholarship programs, as approved by the relevant authorities.
(2) Free Primary Healthcare:
Initially, the organization will provide free primary healthcare services every Friday, and later, with the approval of the relevant department, will conduct free primary healthcare services throughout the week.
(3) Mother and Child Health Programs:
To raise awareness among the public about mother and child health. In addition, to work on establishing the rights of women and children and to encourage environmental improvement with the approval of the relevant department.
(4) Mother’s Welfare:
Establish centers for the proper care of pregnant mothers and implement vaccination programs and child welfare initiatives to prevent child deaths. Also, take appropriate measures to eliminate malnutrition among pregnant mothers and children with the approval of the relevant department.”
(5) Family Planning Program:
Under the family planning program, distribution of birth control materials and implementation of all related activities will be done with the approval of the relevant department.
(6) Women’s Welfare Program:
To free women from dependency and enhance their social status and economic role, necessary activities are carried out. Legal assistance is provided to abused women for their rights and awareness, as approved by the relevant department.
(7) Women’s Development Program:
Women at all levels of Bangladeshi society are often neglected. Without addressing their rights, true national development is not possible. Therefore, to enhance women’s development and make them self-reliant, various skill training programs are provided, and necessary measures are taken to protect their interests and rights. To involve women in development activities, workshops, seminars, and conferences are organized, along with practical projects, with approval from the relevant departments.
(08) Rehabilitation of Homeless Children:
To rehabilitate neglected and poor homeless children in the country, establish drop-in centers, improve their education, health, and social environment, and raise public awareness through documentary films, with approval from the relevant department.
(09) Child Welfare Program:
Take necessary steps to ensure the registration of every child’s birth and death and to prevent child labor. Additionally, provide legal assistance to orphaned children and adolescents with the approval of the relevant department.
(10) Agricultural Activities:
Encourage and motivate the general public in agriculture to increase crop yields through improved methods such as fruit and vegetable cultivation. Establish agricultural research centers to educate farmers and provide them with modern techniques. Ensure easy and affordable access to agricultural materials like seeds, fertilizers, and medicines. Set up small and large cold storage facilities to help farmers preserve their produce and create demonstration farms. Take initiatives to improve the development of marginal farmers and fishing communities by enhancing crop and fish farming, processing these products, and increasing exports with the approval of the relevant departments.
(11) Workshops, Symposiums, and Conferences:
Various types of research projects are undertaken and implemented, such as biological, environmental, ethical, mechanical, and others for the development of organizations. This includes organizing seminars, symposiums, and conferences. Participation in similar activities held in other countries, relevant to the organization’s programs, is done with approval from the respective department.
(12) Fisheries and Livestock Development Program:
Establishment of duck, poultry, fish, goat, and cattle farms, and providing training to the farmers related to these areas with approval from the concerned department.
(13) Environmental Conservation Program:
Promote the conservation of a development-friendly environment through awareness-building and education. Raise awareness among local people about climate and environmental changes. Climate change, especially global warming, is directly related to public health, particularly when it comes to packaging materials that can be harmful to health. Therefore, various programs/initiatives that are friendly to the poor, the environment, and public health should be undertaken. To achieve this, tree planting, afforestation, and pollution-free environment programs should be implemented with approval from the relevant department.
(14) Small and Cottage Industries Program:
Under the Small and Cottage Industries Program, the establishment of industries, providing necessary financial assistance, creating new entrepreneurs, and providing training on local and foreign cuisine to women with the approval of the relevant department.
(15) Poverty Alleviation Program:
Under the poverty alleviation program, socio-economic activities will be conducted for the underprivileged, including the landless, impoverished, homeless, third-gender (Hijra) community, Bedey community, and low-income people, especially women. The program will also focus on creating employment opportunities and increasing income through necessary institutional and vocational training for educated and uneducated unemployed, neglected youth, and widowed women, subject to approval from the relevant department.
(16) Rehabilitation Program:
A program to relocate homeless families from urban slum areas back to their villages and provide them with various employment opportunities, subject to approval from the relevant department
(17) Establishment of a Correction and Rehabilitation Center:
Create job opportunities for ex-prisoners and those who have gone astray by providing them with training on various subjects, with approval from the relevant department.
(18) Anti-Drug Activities:
Encourage people to avoid smoking and other drugs. Establish centers for drug addiction treatment and rehabilitation, and carry out activities like meetings, seminars, and symposiums, with approval from the relevant department.
(19) Efforts to eliminate the practice of dowry:
Raising public awareness about child marriage, polygamy, dowry, and violence against women.
(20) Establishing Friendly Relations with Various Organizations:
To facilitate activities, work together with other institutions. Establish and maintain relationships with both government and private organizations for development activities, and connect and maintain relations with other organizations at national and international levels.
(21) Development Program for Disaster-Affected People:
Programs to help people affected by floods, storms, pandemics, etc., including services, old homes, and rehabilitation programs.
(22) Social Movement:
Creating movements against antisocial activities, drug use, and smoking by increasing public awareness.
(23) Research Activities:
Conducting research on various aspects of socio-economic development in Bangladesh and implementing programs for data collection, processing, analysis, preservation, and distribution, with the approval of the relevant department.
(24) Health Service Program for the Needy and Underprivileged:
To ensure healthcare for the neglected, underprivileged, and impoverished communities in the area, the plan is to set up hospitals/clinics, blood banks, regenerative medicine centers, diagnostic centers, pharmacies, telemedicine services, and medical tourism facilities. These services will be provided at low costs by domestic and foreign doctors, physiotherapists, and acupuncture specialists, with the approval of the relevant department.
(25) Establishment of Technical Training Centers:
To provide employment opportunities for educated unemployed youth, various vocational training will be given by setting up computer data entry firms, and electrical, and electronic firms with the approval of the relevant department.
(26) Scholarships
Providing scholarships to talented students and offering free educational materials to underprivileged and talented students.
(27) AIDS Prevention Activities:
Encouraging people to take planned and practical steps to prevent serious infectious diseases like cancer, AIDS, plague, and Hepatitis B virus, with approval from the relevant department.
(28) Arsenic Prevention Measures:
Identify areas or wells with harmful levels of arsenic in the water and inform the public about the dangers of using this water, with approval from the relevant authorities.
(29) Use of Local Resources:
Finding sustainable technology innovations and ensuring their promotion and use for the socio-economic development of the country, with the approval of the relevant department.
(30) Human Resource Development:
To achieve socio-economic development in the country by undertaking comprehensive human resource development activities. This includes providing proper care and rehabilitation for the elderly, autistic individuals, those with physical disabilities, and those with mental disabilities. For human resource development, training is offered in various fields (such as computer skills, paramedics, dentistry, radiology, typing, poultry farming, TCM, cattle and goat fattening, fish farming, soil testing, business administration, spoken English, hotel management, etc.) to develop unemployed human resources with the approval of the relevant departments.
(31) Disability Welfare:
Various programs are implemented for the education, training, and rehabilitation of people with disabilities, with approval from the relevant department.
(32) Safety of Roads:
To prevent accidents and reduce traffic congestion in the country, training will be provided on traffic signals and laws to all drivers, including bus, truck, and other vehicle drivers, with the approval of the relevant department.
(33) Human Rights Protection:
This organization will take actions to protect and promote human rights and will observe relevant national and international days related to these issues with the approval of the concerned department.
(34) Social Activities:
Taking training and steps through various social and cultural events to prevent blindness, narrow-mindedness, superstitions, and social crimes in society, and providing encouragement and support to the public on these issues.
(35) Culture:
To preserve the country’s traditions by integrating local cultural elements, maintaining historical sites and artifacts, and assisting in the preservation of history. This includes conducting research and collecting information on these topics with the approval of the relevant department.